Shop & Ship, anytime, anywhere and receive your purchases at your home or office

Important: U.S. Customs Border Patrol Inspection
Suite #: client.suite
Tracking Number: Guia.Number

Dear SkyBOX customer,

We wish to inform you that we have received a package with AWB (s) # Guia.Number, which must be inspected by the U.S. Customs Border Patrol for the following reasons:

  1. The shipment contains fire arms, weapons, weapon parts or accessories, etc.
  2. The content of the shipment (s) require (s) import licenses/permits in destination country.

In case your merchandise is retained definitely or seized by U.S Customs Border Patrol, our Customer Service Department will contact you and guide you through the procedures.

SkyBOX Team
© SkyBOX, Inc. All rights reserved.